
Wisdom: Give your life a purpose so that you don’t have to look around

Wisdom: Give your life a purpose so that you don't have to look around

Whenever you make eye contact with a stranger coming from the opposite direction on the street or footpath, both of you will be confused for some time. You decide to pass him from the right side or from the left side, he will also come in the same direction, you will immediately change your position, but he will do the same until you will face each other.

This is a common observation. The same confusion occurs when looking into the eyes of a bicycle motorcyclist. But if you are walking in the street market engrossed in yourself without anyone noticing, then there is no need to make these stupid right-left decisions. Because we humans make almost the same decisions but understand that maybe my decision is different.

Your decision is different when you do it for yourself. Whenever you decide your direction by looking at others, you will have to change your position again and again. That is why it is often said to give your life a purpose. Such a goal, such a destination that does not allow you to look here and there, you will be engrossed in yourself and then you will walk. There will be no collision and no confusion in the middle of the road

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