
Wisdom: Don’t copy your dreams today by looking at others

Wisdom: Don't copy your dreams today by looking at others

When young people come into practical life, the choice of means of livelihood becomes the most important question. Generally, young people look around them and observe who is doing what, what are they earning and what is their lifestyle. How much respect does he have in society? What is his position? This is where their dreams and choices come from.

For example, a few hundred years ago there were no raiding stations. The book was regularly written and copied. The scribe was not only respected but also earned well. If it was a white-collar job, the majority wanted to enroll. Gutenberg dreamed of making a printing machine when thousands of young people were writing and millions were dreaming of it.

A few years later he was starting out by printing Bibles on his printing press, while after a few more years, literature became an abandoned field. Youth is “today”. His dream is the “past” while the choice is the “future”. Don’t see your dreams today by looking at others and copying them. Tomorrow will be the past while the future will become reality and stand before you. A future in which you will again be a misfit.

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