
Wisdom: It is easy to think for any task but it is difficult to do it properly

Wisdom: It is easy to think for any task but it is difficult to do it properly

There is no cost in thinking of oneself as a hero, the problem occurs when someone wears the costume of Superman or Batman. Because then it can be said to him to show by flying or by clinging upside down to the ceiling and show that we have to watch a show. And you become a spectacle.

Most of the things in the world are easy to think but it is very difficult to show them by doing them. You can create a beautiful song in your mind, but combining it with the music is very difficult. You can think of a great movie or a drama but this movie will also be a blockbuster, it is very difficult. Every year crores of rupees are lost to the producers in the film industry because the world does not follow their thinking.

The world does not follow your thoughts. If you consider yourself a hero, understand it completely. But don’t claim to be a hero. Don’t make announcements just by thinking, I will do this, I can do that, I am starting to do this, etc. Because these verbal declarations become your identity. People look at you in shock, engrossed in their own lives. Not everyone will like your announcement, so some will challenge and you become a spectacle.

Learn to flow like a still river. Nurture your thoughts like your children. Teach them to walk, teach them to talk. When people see your children on the field, they themselves will respect you as a hero.

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