
Wisdom: Those who keep the promise and keep it

Wisdom: Those who keep the promise and keep it

Australia’s James Harrison was 13 years old when he suffered a deep wound. To save his life, he had to inject 13 liters of blood, then it was possible to go and save his life. James Harrison then promised himself that he would return the favor. He will also give blood to the needy.

After the first few blood donations, a rare antibody was discovered in his blood. The amount of DRH group antigen in his blood was very similar. It was a lot to save the life of newborn babies. Then Harrison’s plasma started a series of saving the lives of these newborn babies. By 2018, Harrison had given the gift of life to 2.5 million children.

Difficult round-the-clock tests come at everyone. Then we make many promises to ourselves, to our Lord, and to life. If I get out of this difficulty and trial, I will do this, I will do that. Allah the Exalted takes us out of trials. Tests our vows. Some people change and some forget their vows.

Those who keep the promise and keep it, then they know how this trial made them unique from others. For those who forget, the law of nature puts them through a new trial to refresh their memory. He does it again and again, maybe he will fulfill his promise.

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    Wisdom:This greatness is not of an age but of consciousness. If the consciousness is weak, the relationship becomes a joke.

    Wisdom: This greatness is not of an age but of consciousness. If the consciousness is weak, the relationship becomes a joke.